Friday, February 1, 2019

Calling All Aspiring New Artists - An Opportunity to Promote Your Talent & Your Art

Background:  Last year (2018) was the first year a table at the Contemporary Longrifle Association (CLA) show in Lexington, KY was available and used exclusively to promote new artists of the CLA.  We ended up promoting 10 relatively new artist and displayed at the table a representative piece of their work that best reflects their talents.  The reception to  this idea was overwhelmingly positive, so we will do the same thing this year, adding a 2nd table to use for artists to display and possibly sell pieces of their work while at the show.

Plan:  We have a table reserved along the wall at in the first room just before the large exhibition room at the convention center.  We will again attempt to create a tasteful display that would accommodate the following:  2 longrifles, 2 bags, 2 horns, 2 knives, 2 axes/ tomahawks or other blacksmith made items, 2 small pieces of folk art/bead work, etc.  reflective of the longrifle era. 

The artist’s work would be display for the duration of the show (Friday morning through closing on Saturday afternoon).  We would have a scheduled time both days for approximately one hour each time, to be at the booth to talk about your piece of art if anyone was interested, and perhaps display a portfolio of some of other pieces they have created in the past.  Two artists at a time will be staffing the display table.

A second table is reserved for artists not scheduled at the display table, to use to sell other pieces of their work, if they so desire.  This table won't have a great amount of room available to display your other pieces, but it is being made available to help minimize new artists expenses to be a part of the 2019 CLA show.  You could always reserve your own table if you so desired, at the normal expense.

We will accept applications/nominations to be included in this display up until April 1st, or until we fill the available spaces at the table.

Selection Criteria:

The following criteria is being used to select the artist for this display:

1.     Must be a relatively new artist with 5 years or less time actively pursuing their art. Their art must be representative of the longrifle era culture, ie, longrifles, hunting bags, horns, knives, axes or other blacksmith made art, and folk art such as beadwork,  quillwork, floor-cloths, pottery, etc.

2.    Must be at the show both Friday and Saturday, and available to be present at the display at their designated times (3 times over the two days, approximately 1 hours duration each time)

3.    Must have the items available at the show no later than opening time on Friday morning, and preferably at set-up late Thursday afternoon, and keep them available through the end of the show Saturday afternoon.
We reserve final determination re who gets selected.  We want a variety of artist to apply, but will limit selection to 2 artist each who create art in the following areas; longrifles, bags, horns, knives, axes/tomahawks or other blacksmith made items, and small pieces of folk art as described above.  The artist will also need to have available a portfolio (binder with photos) of representations of other pieces of their art, as well as business cards or a sheet with their contact info to give out.

   If not already a member of the CLA, we will cover your first years dues that will provide for access to the show both days.  If already a member, we will give them $20  which equals first year’s fee, to help defray their cost of attending the show.  We will also cover the cost of business cards for the new artists, up to $ 20 each artists.

Additionally, we will hold a drawing for the new artists on Saturday afternoon, for $250 cash, to help defray the travel and lodging expenses for one of the artists.

Anyone who would like to be considered should provide the following, preferably via e-mail to my e-mail address

Phone number
Mailing address
What specific type of art you would like to display?
How long you have been pursuing this passion?
If you are or are not a current CLA member
Assurance you will have the piece of art you would like to display completed by July 1st and provide photos of that piece so we can promote you and your art.
Assurance you will be available both Friday and Saturday of the show (August 16-17, 2019) in Lexington, KY.
Assurance you already have or are willing to create by the show date a portfolio representative of your work.

I humbly ask each of you who read this post to consider either applying yourself if you are relatively new, or encourage someone you are mentoring or know of, who needs some exposure, to apply. Consider bringing them with you to the show, or help them in whatever way you can to be able to attend the show and receive valuable exposure.

This display is about recognizing and promoting aspiring new artist.  Fresh new blood in this organization will only make each of us better in our own pursuit of our passions, and promoting new artist will insure they realize the value of being a member of the CLA.

If you have any questions, send me an e-mail at

Paul Fennewald

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